Forward and Back

Dusts off the old blog, recognizing the irony given my topic. So a lot has happened in my chat life since I last wrote in here, and it’s been as usual a mix of good and bad. This post isn’t to recount any of that. It somewhat reflects some of what’s happened but not enumerate my life. I’m not nearly that interesting.

A theme of my past few months of chat life has been struggling between moving forward and looking back. Too often it seems we (or at least I) spend so much time dwelling on the past, whether to reopen old wounds or long for better days or whatever I think I’m accomplishing by a trip down memory lane. Whatever these musings accomplish, whether self condemnation, wistful longing, reassurance that I have been loved and can be again, they can become self indulgent and get in the way of living in the now, and striving for the future.

As usual, it’s a balancing act (ok some things about my blog never change); it’s important to learn from one’s past, so ignoring it is a bad idea. But if I’ve learned anything from the past few months, it’s this: you can’t move forward while you’re looking back. Bad idea when driving your car; bad idea when navigating your life.

I hope I am now pointed in the right direction. Now all I have to do is actually hit the accelerator. Just let me check the rear view mirror a bit…